Pig Ride Rating System

Never a Dull Moment!

We’re never short on things to do in the Atlanta Chapter. Whether it’s a short-day ride or a long-distance overnight ride we have you covered. We also do plenty of things around the dealership and other social things that don’t always require a helmet. Just check HERE to see what is coming up.


We use a rating system for most of our rides. If you’re a relatively new rider or an experienced rider who just wants a shorter, easygoing ride for the afternoon, then a “one pig” ride is your ticket. On the other extreme, if you’re looking to stretch far beyond the local hangouts and love putting on some miles, then “five pigs” should sate your appetite for adventure. And of course, the scale covers everything in between. Here’s the scale:

  • ONE PIG – steady cruising rides of relatively short distances, easy on the throttle, few curves, etc.
  • TWO PIGS – a bit longer or have some curves but nothing too challenging.
  • THREE PIGS – the ride should be of moderate difficulty.
  • FOUR and FIVE PIGS – rides with a high number of curves, long distances, saddle time, road conditions, speed, and weather.

Here are a couple more helpful links: